Neiil World School, Morena

Neiil World School Morena

Day Cum Boarding & Residental School

Morena Road 474001 Madhya Pradesh
+91 8717878272, +91 8718855145


We have a well-equipped print and electronic library, stocked with a collection of over 8,000 + books on all subjects besides Encyclopedias, Magazines, Journals, Newspapers to suit varied interests and develop reading habits in students and teachers. The books are systematically arranged subject-wise for easy availability. Perfect silence and strict discipline is maintained to make reading in the library more fruitful. All the classes have compulsory Library Periods. Students are keen about their library periods. Students can search for books of their choices on-line. The school has a huge collection of Encyclopedias and other reference books. Students of Class II onwards are entitled to use the library. Every student has an account by which he/she can issue a book for 15 days. Books issued may be renewed.

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